What can you do?


Many people think that individuals cannot make enormous changes in acting against the great Pacific garbage patch. However, there are many things which one can do easily every day. 


1. If you see litter, pick it up and throw it away properly into a bin. These actions spread amongst the people and over time more and more people pick up litter and this will make a big change. 


2. Re-use water bottles. Every day more than 100 million plastic water bottles are used worldwide. On average every single one of us uses 168 plastic water bottles each year. About 10 million water bottles are estimated to enter the oceans every single day. In order to slow this process down we can re-use plastic water bottles. Instead of using a new one every day, a water bottle can be used for up to two weeks. This does not take a lot of effort. 


3. Use alternatives to carry your drinking water. Many shops sell drinking containers made out of hard plastic or metal. These containers can be used for ages and prevent you from buying a new plastic water bottle every day. 


4. Educate people about this. Most people don't even know that there is something like the great Pacific garbage patch. Inform people about this tell them where they can inform themselves about this. 


5. Spread the word. The more people made aware of this, the more can take action.