1. The amount of plastic waste in the Pacific has increased by 100 in the last 40 years 
  2. 12,000 to 24,000 tons of plastic are ingested by fish living in the pacific ocean each year
  3. 80% of the trash in the great Pacific garbage patch comes from land
  4. 65 percent of the trash from the land is consumer used plastic which has not been disposed properly
  5. 70% of all trash in the great Pacific garbage patch sunk and is found below the surface
  6. Every square kilometer of ocean in the pacific garbage patch contains about 120,000 pieces of plastic 
  7.  There are 45 kilos of trash for every kilo of plankton
  8. The Pacific garbage patch covers an area half the size of USA 
  9. 90 percent of the trash in the Pacific garbage patch is plastic
  10. The world produced 100 billion kilograms of plastic each year, about 10% of this plastic ends up in the ocean
  11. 1 million sea birds are killed each year by ingestion of plastics or entanglement. 
  12. 100,000 marine mammals and sea turtles die every year because of eating plastic or entanglement in the